
Courtesy Michael DeMattia
Ric & Ann Adams
Ann Aldous
Lea Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Michael C. Alley
Tina Angle
Dorinne S. Armstrong
Janet Arsenault
Ausherman Family Foundation
Marilyn Bagel
Albertine H. Baker
Suzanne E. Beal
Dr. & Mrs. Zakir Bengali
Marj & Phil Berkheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Bodmer
Peter Brehm & Jack Day
Tamara Brock
Jo Elizabeth Butler
Joan Canfield
Cathy Canning
Drew Canning
Carrollton Manor DAR
Elizabeth L. Carter
Courtney Carter
Celebrate Frederick
Ceresville Mansion
Kimberly Chaney & Ron McCurdy
Susan Chapman
Colleen Clapp
Jim & Amy Clapp
Dr. & Mrs. Casper E. Cline, III
Janet B. Cody
Gladys Cojocari
Kristine S. Colby
Susan Cooper
Marjorie Corley
In Memory of Cecilia Costlow
Crisafulli's Cheese Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Day
Karen DelGiudice
Susan Delaney
Delaplaine Wilson Fund
Delaplaine Foundation
Michael DeMattia
Barbara W. Dillon
Darlene Dolan
Rebecca Donley
Dale Dowling
Sarah Drenning
Nancy M. Droneburg
Dublin Roasters
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Dunsmore
Dorothy H. Ewing *
Audrey Farnsworth
Deborah Farthing
Neil & Kathy Fay
FCB Bank, A Division of
Firestone's Culinary Tavern
Betsy & Bob Fisher
Eleanor W. Fisher
Patricia S. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ford
Fountainhead Irrigation, Inc.
The Frederick Art Club
Frederick Business and Professional Women's Club
Frederick Mutual Insurance Company
Frederick Psychology Center
Frederick Women's Civic Club
Funds of the Community Foundation
of Frederick County
Peg & David Gamse
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Gaughan
Leslie Geiger
Karen Geoffrey
Betsey C. Gibson *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Gill
Vicki Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gouin
Nancy Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Grau
J.J. & Candy Greenway
Ted & Helen Gregory
Carolyn & John Greiner
Rebecca Griffin
Elizabeth Grove in Memory of
Edward Dawson Grove III
Beth Gura in Memory of Amelia Di Yorio Sciacca
Carol L. Gutwalt
William Hagis
Marcia Hahn
Marian P. Halvorson
Jane Hammond
Susan Hanson
Dr. & Mrs. Everett T. Hart
Dr. & Mrs. Everett T. Hart in
Memory of Joan Holly Beyer
Michalann Harthill
Deborah K. Hawn
Pamela S. Herrick
Margaret Hindman
Alice B. Houck
Mr. & Mrs. F. Marcell Howell
Alice Hoxie
Margaret Huddy
InBloom Jewelry
Skip & Nikki Irwin
Sara Jones
Joseph D. Baker Fund, Inc.
Jean M. Joyce
Carolyn Judd
Julie Gaver Discovery
Andrea Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Ona M. Kile, Jr.
Irene Kirilloff
Karlys Kline & Thomas Lynch
Claire Kondig
In Memory of Anna Kate Koogle
Lauren Kremers
Karen Kretschmann
Sharon & Dan Kuebbing
Truby LaGarde
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Laughlin
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Lee
Dr. Amaris Little
Marita & Rick Loose
Marita Loose & Cristy Stup in
Honor of Carolee Everhart Stup
Lough Memorials
Patricia Lufkin
Tina Lund & Tom Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. Mackintosh
Barbara Maghan *
Mary Mannix
Janney K. Marshall
Abby M. Martin
Lynn Martin
Constance L. Martin
Lenny Martin
Sheryl Massaro
Kory Matheis
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Mayernik
Claire McCardell
Kate McConnell
McCutcheon's Apple Products, Inc.
Alice McGinnis
Virginia J. McLaughlin *
Mr. & Mrs. John F. McShea, III
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. McShea
John & Meg Menke
Theresa T. Michel
Chrissy Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mock
Molly's Meanderings
Shabri Moore
Linda Moran
Meta & Mike Nash
Barbara A. Nicklas
Kara L. Norman
Tammy O'Connor
Janet S. O'Leary
The Orchard
Betsy & Pete Pakenas
Dr. A. Austin Pearre, Jr.
The Perfect Truffle
Richard L. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Peterson
Mary L. Pfister
Colonel & Mrs. Alan Phillips
Col. & Mrs. Jerome F. Pierson
PNC Bank
Tom & Lisa Pollack
Poole’s Stone & Garden, Inc.
Andrew Radcliffe
Sonja & James Rasmussen in
Memory of Alice Gandrud
Mary Ryan Reeves
Ashley Reinhart
Yvonne & Jim Reinsch
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian M. Remsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian M. Remsberg, Jr.
Marsha Remsburg
Judith Rice
Darcy G. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Riordan in Memory
of Elizabeth Lane Radcliffe
Ed & Susan Riulli
Robert G. Hooper Family Fund
Pam & Bob Robey
Linda C. Robinson
Ellen Roehl
Donna Rosano
Marjorie Rosenweig
Mike & Sheila Schaden
Julia & Jim Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Scher
Connie Schlee & Aldan Weinberg
Nancy Schultze
Lynne Sclar
Kim Selby
Kay F. Sheiss
Catherine A. Siebert
Catherine A. Siebert in Memory of
Elaine A. Heiberg
Mary Ann G. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Smith
Libby & George Stauffer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Steggert
J. Lynn Stimmel
Cristy Stup & Erin Jenkins
Bonny Sydnor
Jane Talarico & Michael Paskowsky
Joan Tarbell-Plato
Katharine Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Thomas
Tiara Day
Trail Mathias Michel Fund
Urban Garden Fund
Visit Frederick TRIPP Grant
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Vitarello
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Walker
Mary Weiss-Waldhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Welty
WBA Foundation
William E. Cross Foundation
Molly Wilson
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Winnan
Harriet Wise
Adriane Wodey & Jack Fritz
Judy L. Wolf
Women Wild for Claire
John M. & Beatrice D. Woody
Mike & Marlene Young
Allison Zerr
* Deceased
Thanks to the incredible generosity of many supporters, the Frederick Art Club met its initial fundraising goal in fall 2020. Gifts at that point covered all expenses to create Claire's image in clay and then bronze, install the statue on a granite pedestal, and accompany it with a donor recognition plaque and wayside exhibit that tells the designer's story. The club subsequently raised funding sufficient to design and install an elegant, fully landscaped and hardscaped garden to surround and enhance the sculpture. Donors are listed here in alphabetical order.
​The Claire McCardell Project is a fund of the Community Foundation of Frederick County, making all gifts tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
January 12, 2022